5 Ways to Get into the Automobile Industry

The Automobile industry is one of the most promising industries undergoing disruptions all over the world. Startups are sprouting all over seeking to disrupt and get a piece of the pie of a billion dollar industry. Uber has shown there is a real potential in the automobile industry and the industry being as wide as it is, there are tons of opportunities that can be tapped. Some of the ways to get into the industry include:

Be a Taxi Driver

One of the trending jobs in the automobile industry is to be a taxi driver. Taxi driving entails offering transport services for people especially within large cities or towns. Taxi driving is a lucrative industry with the advancement of technology in the industry. The job has been extremely simple with mobile application apps where a customer can book a taxi from the phone and get the services it needs. With rural to urban migration being the order of the day and increment of people in the cities, the industry is likely to thrive at the better part of the decade. The average salary of a taxi driver ranges from $20,000 to $40,000 according to US Bureau of Labor Statistics.


Buy a Car Franchise

Another way to get involved in the automobile industry is buying a car franchise. Car franchising is renting a name of a global leader in the automobile industry and using it in your own car business adhere ring to the terms and conditions of the franchisor. This venture requires experience in the automobile industry to ensure its success. Do enough research and consult with experts in the field and be ready to venture to the field. It can be a risk as every business but you should always take calculated risks. You could even try some like this which is not a car dealership but still very much involved in the automotive industry.

Be a HGV Driver

Interested in driving? HGV driving can be the most comfortable job yet physically demanding. To be a heavy goods vehicle driver, you need to be over 18 years of age and have a valid driving license. In the space, a certificate of competence driving is a desirable experience since it involves control of heavy trucks. To talk about the responsibilities it entails, HGV drivers are required to transport heavy goods such as appliances, furniture, livestock and other things to customers in desirable destinations. Not just this, they are also responsible for supervising and offloading of goods and ensuring that the goods reach their destinations safely. However, in situations where goods fail to reach their destination safely due to an accident, the driver’s primary concern should be ensuring their well-being. Once that is addressed, they can proactively file for an insurance claim. This will be easier if they have managed to Get an HGV insurance quote in seconds prior to starting on their journey. This proactive approach can potentially streamline the compensation process and mitigate expenses should they encounter another accident in the future.


Be an Automotive Spare Parts Dealer.

Another lucrative industry in the automobile space is the spare parts deals. So long as you have the expertise or have people with expertise in mechanics, this field can be a success. For a thriving business do research on the most popular cars in your city and spare parts bought regularly and you can be sure of a lasting business.

Start a Garage

With many cars being bought, there is an opportunity for garage business in an excellent location. The business needs expert mechanics to work in the garage to ensure the success of the company. This business venture can thrive in busy cities and towns.