If you're about to embark on buying car insurance for the first time, you'll almost certainly be at a greater risk of paying considerably more, and this is particularly true if you're a young driver. That's why we've compiled five of the most need to know insurance facts to get the ball rolling on your first car insurance policy. ... Continue to the full article
Archives for June 2017
New safety technologies shaking up the vehicle market
With self-driving cars just a few years away, some of the vital technologies that will help computer systems navigate our roads are already available on some of the newest vehicles hitting the market. You can’t buy a fully autonomous vehicle yet, but there’s plenty of cars for sale on websites like Auto Trader, that contain some of these safety ... Continue to the full article
How to make sure your car is safe for your summer road trip
Planning a road trip this summer? The UK has miles of mountains, countryside, and beaches to explore, just don't forget to check the car over before you depart. Run through this safety list for a fool-proof adventure. ... Continue to the full article