Top 3 cars for university students

If your off to university this year and have a long way to go, it isn’t ideal to have to lug across public transport all day with all your belongings just to get to your destination. Having your own car would mean you could choose when you go, bring a lot more with you and get there much faster and more conveniently.

The only issue with buying a car to take to university with you it the general costs involved with buying and insuring your car.  Young drivers are classed as high risk drivers because they haven’t been driving very long and are much more likely to be involved in a collision or incident than any other age group of drivers. For this reason, it is good to choose vehicles that are in a low (1 or 2) insurance group.

  1. Nissan Micra

Whilst a newer model Micra could set you back quite a bit of money, models from 2008 and earlier with more than 40,000 miles on can come in under the £1,500 mark. If your budget is lower than this, look for vehicles that have done more miles.

The great thing about Nissan Micra’s is that they cost very little to run (in fuel costs) and are very sturdy and reliable. If you want a car that you can splash out a little on upon purchase and then have for a very long time; this is the car you need.

  1. Volkwagen UP!

If you have a bit more of a budget, you may want to choose for a small car such as the Volkswagen UP! This car is built for city life and is great for making both short and long journeys. It is also small and compact meaning parking will be less of an issue.

  1. Skoda Citigo

This car was named the ‘Best city car under £10,000’ in the 2018 ‘What Car? Car of the Year awards. It is ideal for both outside and in the city and has generous interior space and boot space.

This car is stylish and useful and will last you a very long time. Even after your finish university this car will be great for everything you need afterwards.