There are many issues that you could experience with your car, but troubles with your gear box cannot be ignored. Here are 3 signs you must not ignore:
- Clicking or whistling whilst driving
Many people will hear signs such as this and turn up the radio to drown it out. Whilst this is a common endeavour, it’s not a good one. Sounds coming from your car, especially when you are changing gear, is your vehicles way of telling you that the bearings are worn and could need replacing. Though turning up the radio can help you ignore these sounds, it can be potentially dangerous in the long run. Thus, it could be in your best interest to look for durable worm gears or similar equipment to get the existing ones replaced and make your car safe and comfortable to drive again.
- Engaging in gears whilst parked or driving is difficult
If you are struggling to change through the gears, this is a sign your gear box needs replacing. A gear box has something called a synchromesh which levels out the gear changing speed to perform the perfect gear change within the transmission. If this is worn down it needs replacing immediately.
- Low fluid / fluid issues
Check your transmission fluid on a regular basis; it’ll be located behind your oil dipstick. This fluid lubricates and cools the gears so you can operate safe and effective gear changes. Your oil should be clear and be at a good level. If the oil is coloured or has black flakes there could be some issues, as could a burnt smell to the actual oil.
If you are having issues with your ford gearbox source the best parts from one of the UK’s best parts dealers – Ford Parts UK