Motoring Tips for Young Professionals

If you’re young and in your first fully ‘adult’ job, then it’s likely that you’re enjoying the perks of independent living, with a little more cash sloshing around in your bank account than you’re used to. As such, you may well be considering augmenting your life with a new vehicle, which will grant you a more enjoyable commute and the freedom to visit friends and family at the drop of a hat. Whether this will be your first car or not, it’s advisable to read the following tips in order to make a smart, informed decision on your new vehicle.


The beauty of trade-ins is that they’re simple; the downside is that you’re never going to get as good a deal with a dealership that you will if you sell your car independently. You cannot expect to come out victorious from a negotiation with a salesman whose job it is to get the very best price out of you. So, if you can avoid it and sell yourself, using one of the many posting sites online, you’ll save money to direct towards a better new car, or simply to keep in the bank for a rainy day.

Model and Make 

What is it that you look for in a car? If you go to a dealership and state ‘I am looking for a new car’ you can expect to be taken around the houses until you’re presented with a frankly inappropriate model that you’ll be pressured into purchasing. It’s better to do your research beforehand, looking up performance ratings and independent reviews that’ll go some way to reassuring you that your chosen car is the right one inside your price range. Take the time to consider less fashionable options that’ll retain their value – in this way; you’ll be able to afford a better new car in the future.

Installment Buying 

Purchasing a car outright can be a significant hit on your wallet. Instead, most young professionals choose to buy on finance, paying in monthly installments so that the payment is spread along a number of your monthly paychecks. Even if you’re suffering from a bad credit score, you’ll be able to find guaranteed car finance online to suit any budget you might have. Don’t be put off by the price of some of the nicer models – they’ll be far more reliable than used or poorly-manufactured cars.


Finally, as a young professional you’ll know that your insurance rates will be slightly higher than those of your parents. That’s because you haven’t proven yourself a reliable driver, which means your premium will naturally be higher than those who have track experience without any claims. Before you buy a new vehicle, it’s best to do a quick check on online resources as to whether you’ll be able to pay the insurance that’s a necessity when using a vehicle. You’ll also be able to see if adding a ‘black box’ or immobilizer will help you save money on your insurance in the long-term.

Buying a car as a young professional grants you a good deal more freedom, but it’s best to consult and recall this list before doing so to ensure you’re not caught out with a bad deal for your buck.